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Mohamed Jebahi - Discrete-Continuum Coupling Method to Simulate Highly Dynamic Multi-Scale Problems : Simulation of Laser-Induced Damage in Silica Glass in FB2, DOC


Complex behavior models (plasticity, crack, visco-elascticity) are facing several theoretical difficulties in determining the behavior law at the continuous (macroscopic) scale. When homogenization fails to give the right behavior law, a solution is to simulate the material at a mesoscale using the discrete element model (DEM) in order to directly simulate a set of discrete properties that are responsible for the macroscopic behavior. Originally, the discrete element model was developed for granular material. This book, the second in the Discrete Element Model and Simulation of Continuous Materials Behavior set of books, shows how to choose the adequate coupling parameters to avoid spurious wave reflection and to allow the passage of all the dynamic information both from the fine to the coarse model and vice versa. The authors demonstrate the coupling method to simulate a highly nonlinear dynamical problem: the laser shock processing of silica glass., Complex behavior models (plasticity, cracks, visco elascticity) face some theoretical difficulties for the determination of the behavior law at the continuous scale. When homogenization fails to give the right behavior law, a solution is to simulate the material at a meso scale in order to simulate directly a set of discrete properties that are responsible of the macroscopic behavior. The discrete element model has been developed for granular material. The proposed set shows how this method is capable to solve the problem of complex behavior that are linked to discrete meso scale effects. The first book solves the local problem, this second title presents a coupling approach to link the structural effects to the local ones, the third book presents the software workbench that includes all the theoretical developments.

Mohamed Jebahi - Discrete-Continuum Coupling Method to Simulate Highly Dynamic Multi-Scale Problems : Simulation of Laser-Induced Damage in Silica Glass read online ebook DJV, EPUB, TXT

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