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Author by : Indigo Bloome
Languange : it
Publisher by : Newton Compton Editori
Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
Total Read : 24
Total Download : 153
File Size : 47,9 Mb

Description : Il libro che tutti vorrebbero possedereUn gioco eccitante e perverso, oltre ogni inibizione. Per quarantotto ore l’unica guida saranno i sensi.La psicologa Alexandra Blake arriva a Sydney per tenere un ciclo di conferenze sulla stimolazione visiva e il suo impatto sulla percezione. A metterle ansia però non è l’idea di dover presentare il proprio lavoro di fronte a centinaia di persone, bensì la prospettiva di ciò che verrà dopo: quella sera, dopo anni, finalmente rivedrà il dottor Jeremy Quinn, suo ex amante ora divenuto ricercatore di successo. L’uomo, che le ha dato appuntamento all’Hotel Intercontinental, la invita nella sua suite di lusso e, dopo un paio di bicchieri di champagne, le propone di trascorrere con lui il resto del fine settimana. Alexandra è combattuta, ma finisce per cedere al fascino magnetico del dottor Quinn, dimenticando i suoi obblighi di moglie e madre: per le successive quarantotto ore sarà sua. Jeremy le requisisce il cellulare, e in cambio di un’esperienza sessuale che si annuncia irripetibile le impone due condizioni: che si lasci bendare, affidandosi completamente a lui, e che non faccia domande. Alexandra non riesce a resistere e accetta tutte le regole del gioco, senza sapere che potrebbe diventare molto pericoloso. Si lascerà travolgere dalla seduzione?Il primo volume di una trilogia che vi farà impazzireUn bestseller internazionaleNumero 1 in Inghilterra, Stati Uniti e AustraliaJeremy le svelerà gli oscuri segreti del piacere, ma Alexandra sarà in suo potere per 48 oreIndigo Bloomeè sposata e ha due figli. Dopo una brillante carriera nel settore finanziario tra Sydney e il Regno Unito, ha abbandonato la frenetica vita di città per trasferirsi nella provincia australiana, dove ha avuto modo di scoprire ed esplorare la propria vena creativa. La passione per la lettura, l’interpretazione dei sogni, le conversazioni stimolanti e gli intriganti segreti della mente umana l’hanno portata a scrivere la trilogia Incontri proibiti.

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  • Author by : Indigo Bloome
    Languange : it
    Publisher by : Newton Compton Editori
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 86
    Total Download : 152
    File Size : 40,5 Mb

    Description : Il libro che tutti vorrebbero possedereLui le ha fatto capire che può osare. Ora per Lei è arrivato il momento di esplorare nuove sensazioni. Alexandra Blake è una psicologa di successo e ha una vita felice, grazie anche all’incontro inaspettato con il suo ex amante Jeremy Quinn, che le ha permesso di esplorare le sue fantasie erotiche più oscure. Arrivata a Londra per incontrarlo, improvvisamente viene rapita e si trova nel bel mezzo di una lotta tra multinazionali farmaceutiche senza scrupoli. Proprio per le particolari caratteristiche del suo gruppo sanguigno sarà costretta a offrire il proprio corpo per esperimenti sessuali finalizzati alla produzione di un medicinale che stimoli la libido femminile. Ma a quale costo? Cosa potrà fare Alexandra per sottrarsi a questi esperimenti? Ma soprattutto, vorrà davvero farlo?Si lascerà travolgere dalla tentazione?Una donna che vuole osare. Un uomo che sa cosa significa il piacere.Un incontro destinato a sconvolgere l'esistenza. Un libro bollente e sensuale.«Il bestseller internazionale che tutti vorrebbero possedere.»«Il libro erotico che vi farà cambiare idea sui confini della sessualità.»«Un romanzo infuocato, un'indagine erotica sulla fiducia e il tradimento, la sperimentazione e il controllo, l'amore e il desiderio.»Indigo Bloomeè sposata e madre di due figli. Dopo una brillante carriera nel settore finanziario tra Sydney e il Regno Unito, ha abbandonato la frenetica vita di città per trasferirsi nella provincia australiana, dove ha avuto modo di scoprire ed esplorare la propria vena creativa. La passione per la lettura, l’interpretazione dei sogni, le conversazioni stimolanti e gli intriganti segreti della mente umana l’hanno portata a scrivere la trilogia Incontri proibiti. La Newton Compton ha già pubblicato il primo volume, La Seduzione.

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  • Author by :
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : HarperCollins Australia
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 46
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    File Size : 40,7 Mb

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  • Author by : Indigo Bloome
    Languange : it
    Publisher by : Newton Compton Editori
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 24
    Total Download : 535
    File Size : 50,5 Mb

    Description : Dall’autrice della trilogia bestseller Incontri proibiti, oltre 150.000 copie in Italia Eloise ha sempre avuto una sola passione, ballare. Ma tutto questo sta per cambiare. Quando un incidente mette fine alla sua brillante carriera come prima ballerina, Eloise è devastata dal dolore. Sola, lontana dall’unico mondo che abbia mai conosciuto, sente di avere perso l’unica ragione di vita. Fino a quando incontra un enigmatico miliardario, Caesar King, che le offre la possibilità di ballare di nuovo. La proposta sembra darle tutto ciò che ha sempre sognato: un gran pubblico e un modo per dedicarsi a ciò che ama più di ogni altra cosa. Per due anni dovrà ballare per giocatori di tennis ad alto livello, come fonte di ispirazione. Così, abilmente manipolata dallo spietato Caesar, Eloise fa il suo ingresso nel mondo dello sport, un ambiente in cui è importante dominare e solo chi vince detta regole, sia sul campo che in camera da letto. Ben presto si lascia coinvolgere in una relazione cupa e al tempo stesso inebriante con Stephan Nordstrom, campione in carica. Ma con ogni grande slam arriva la possibilità di un nuovo numero uno. Ed Eloise non si è resa conto che il trofeo più ambito ormai è diventata lei. Un’autrice da oltre 150.000 copie «Questo libro è come una cavalcata selvaggia e non riesci a smettere di leggerlo. Fantastico.» «Leggere questo libro è come trovarsi su un ottovolante. Non è solo una storia sull’importanza delle scelte, ma spinge anche a riflettere su quanto in là si è disposti a spingersi per ottenere ciò che si desidera.» Hanno scritto della trilogia Incontri proibiti: «Due giorni di sottomissione e una benda sugli occhi. È ciò che concede Alexandra al dott. Quinn, che le farà scoprire le sfumature di piacere che nel suo matrimonio latitano.» Vanity Fair «Pagine erotiche arrivate dopo l’ondata delle sfumature: regalo perfetto per scaldare l’atmosfera.» Panorama Indigo BloomeÈ sposata e madre di due figli. Dopo una brillante carriera nel settore finanziario, tra Sydney e il Regno Unito, ha abbandonato la frenetica vita di città per trasferirsi nella provincia australiana, dove ha avuto modo di scoprire ed esplorare la propria vena creativa. La passione per la lettura, l’interpretazione dei sogni, le conversazioni stimolanti e gli intriganti segreti della mente umana l’hanno portata a scrivere la trilogia Incontri proibiti (La seduzione, La tentazione, La passione), pubblicata con successo dalla Newton Compton.

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  • Author by : Indigo Bloome
    Languange : it
    Publisher by :
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 96
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    File Size : 51,7 Mb

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  • Author by : Beth Kery
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : Hachette UK
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 73
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    File Size : 41,8 Mb

    Description : For fans for Sylvia Day, J. Kenner and Maya Banks. A scorchingly sexy novel from the New York Times ebook bestselling author of the Because You Are Mine series and The Affair. Vic Savian knows what he wants when he sees it. And what he wants is his sexy neighbour, Niall Chandler. When he finds her in the hallway of their building being harassed by an aggressive suitor, Vic steps in - and finds himself greatly rewarded. Sleeping with her gorgeous neighbour - when she didn't even know his last name - was the craziest thing Niall's ever done. Now, she can't seem to get enough of Vic, or what he stirs in her. Suddenly she's exploring uninhibited pleasures she's never known before. But when her past returns to haunt her, she and Vic are forced to venture beyond the pleasures of the flesh, and risk it all on something deeper, something found only in the heart. Enter the seductive world of Beth Kery where the rules are broken with that first electrifying touch in the sizzling Because You Are Mine, One Night of Passion and The Affair novels.

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  • Author by : Indigo Bloome
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : Harper Collins
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 16
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    Description : Destined to Feel, the second erotic adventure in Indigo Bloome’s Avalon trilogy, follows the steamy romance between psychologist Alexandra Blake and her lover, Jeremy Quinn. Alexandra’s bliss is rudely interrupted when she’s abducted in London, caught up in a dangerous struggle between unscrupulous corporations. Her captors want her to help them with their sexual experiments, pushing the boundaries of convention in the search for a drug to stimulate the female libido. How far will Alexandra be willing to go to satisfy her curiosity, both professional and personal? With scorching love scenes and rich, real characters, Destined to Feel will appeal to anyone who read Fifty Shades of Grey—and couldn’t put it down…

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  • Author by : Indigo Bloome
    Languange : it
    Publisher by : Newton Compton Editori
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 77
    Total Download : 517
    File Size : 43,9 Mb

    Description : Il libro che tutti vorrebbero possedereLa seduzione - La tentazione - La passioneTutti li vogliono - 3 romanzi in 1Una donna che vuole osare. Un uomo che sa cosa significa il piacere.Due amanti disposti a tutto pur di soddisfare i loro più inconfessabili desideri: sono Alexandra e Jeremy. La psicologa Alexandra Blake arriva a Sydney per tenere un ciclo di conferenze. Quella sera, dopo anni, rivede il dottor Jeremy Quinn, suo ex amante ora divenuto ricercatore di successo. Un incontro all’Hotel Intercontinental, un paio di bicchieri di champagne, un fine settimana insieme: il fascino magnetico del dottor Quinn le fa dimenticare i suoi obblighi di moglie e madre. Per quarantotto ore sarà sua. Jeremy le requisisce il cellulare, la benda, le impone di non fare domande. In cambio, le dona un’esperienza sessuale irripetibile. Alexandra non riesce a resistere e accetta tutte le regole del gioco, senza sapere che potrebbe diventare molto pericoloso. La sua vita da quel momento cambia per sempre, in un vortice di piacere e di passione a cui sarà impossibile sottrarsi.La trilogia bestseller internazionale che tutti vorrebbero possedere, finalmente in un unico, bollente volume«Due giorni di sottomissione e una benda sugli occhi. È ciò che concede Alexandra al dottor Quinn, che le farà scoprire le sfumature di piacere che nel suo matrimonio latitano.» Vanity Fair«Un regalo perfetto per scaldare l’atmosfera.» Panorama«La protagonista Alexandra, bendata, si affida completamente alle mani del suo amante Jeremy Quinn per 48 lunghissime ore. Ammettilo: non ti piacerebbe?» Donna Moderna«Ora tutte a letto. A leggere!»Tu Style«Le strade del desiderio sono infinite.»A di AnnaUn gioco eccitante e perverso, oltre ogni inibizioneUn incontro destinato a sconvolgere l'esistenzaIndigo Bloomeè sposata e madre di due figli. Dopo una brillante carriera nel settore finanziario tra Sydney e il Regno Unito, ha abbandonato la frenetica vita di città per trasferirsi nella provincia australiana, dove ha avuto modo di scoprire ed esplorare la propria vena creativa. La passione per la lettura, l’interpretazione dei sogni, le conversazioni stimolanti e gli intriganti segreti della mente umana l’ha portata a scrivere la trilogia Incontri proibiti.

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  • Author by : Gena Showalter
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : HQN Books
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 23
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    Description : Though they carry an eternal curse, the Lords of the Underworld are irresistibly seductive—and unimaginably powerful… Don't miss a single book in this stunning paranormal series from New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter! Possessed by the demon of Promiscuity, immortal warrior Paris is irresistibly seductive—but his potent allure comes at a terrible price. Every night he must bed someone new, or weaken and die. And the woman he craves above all others is the one woman he'd thought was forever beyond his reach…until now. Newly possessed by the demon of Wrath, Sienna Blackstone is racked by a ruthless need to punish those around her. Yet in Paris's arms, the vulnerable beauty finds soul-searing passion and incredible peace. Until a blood feud between ancient enemies heats up. Will the battle against gods, angels and creatures of the night bind them eternally—or tear them apart? Book 9 of Lords of the Underworld. Originally published in 2012.

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  • Author by : Eric Van Lustbader
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : Hachette UK
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 96
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    Description : A NEW JASON BOURNE NOVEL! On the eve of Russian general Boris Karpov's wedding, Jason Bourne receives an enigmatic message from his old friend and fellow spymaster. In Moscow, what should be a joyous occasion turns bloody and lethal. Now Bourne is the only one who can decipher Karpov's cryptogram. He discovers that Karpov has betrayed his sovereign to warn Bourne of a crippling disaster about to be visited on the world. Bourne has only four days to discover the nature of the disaster and stop it. The trail Karpov has been following leads Bourne to Cairo and the doorstep of Ivan Borz, the elusive international arms dealer infamous for hiding behind a never-ending series of false identities, a man Bourne has been hunting ever since he abducted former Treadstone director Soraya Moore and her two-year-old daughter and brutally murdered Soraya's husband. Bourne must travel to war-torn Syria and then Cyprus as he chases the astonishing truth. The clock is ticking, and Bourne has less than four days to solve Karpov's riddle--and hunt down Borz--if he hopes to prevent a cataclysmic international war.

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  • Author by : Natsuo Kirino
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : Vintage Books
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 63
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    Description : When a teenage girl discovers that her neighbor has been brutally murdered, and the victim's son—and prime suspect—steals her bike and cell phone, she and her friends are plunged into danger in this Japanese feminist noir thriller. Reprint.

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  • Author by : Anne Frank
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : Penguin UK
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 35
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    Description : One of the most famous accounts of living under the Nazi regime of World War II comes from the diary of a thirteen-year-old Jewish girl, Anne Frank. Today, The Diary of a Young Girl has sold over 25 million copies world-wide. It is one of the most celebrated and enduring books of the last century and it remains a deeply admired testament to the indestructible nature of human spirit. Anne Frank and her family fled the horrors of Nazi occupation by hiding in the back of a warehouse in Amsterdam for two years with another family and a German dentist. Aged thirteen when she went into the secret annexe, Anne kept a diary. She movingly revealed how the eight people living under these extraordinary conditions coped with hunger, the daily threat of discovery and death and being cut off from the outside world, as well as petty misunderstandings and the unbearable strain of living like prisoners. The Diary of a Yong Girl is a timeless true story to be rediscovered by each new generation. For young readers and adults it continues to bring to life Anne's extraordinary courage and struggle throughout her ordeal. 'One of the greatest books of the century' Guardian 'A modern classic' The Times 'Rings down the decades as the most moving testament to the persecution of innocence' Daily Mail 'Astonishing and excruciating. Its gnaws at us still' New York Times Book Review Anne Frank was born on 12 June 1929. She died in Bergen-Belsen, three months short of her sixteenth birthday.

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  • Author by : Anne Stuart
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : MIRA
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 98
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    Description : Few outsiders will ever witness the dark misdeeds of the Heavenly Host. And among this secret society, where exiled Georgian aristocrats gather to indulge their carnal desires, fewer still can match the insatiable appetite of their chief provocateur, the mysterious Viscount Rohan. Pursuit of physical pleasure is both his preferred pastime and his most pressing urge, until he encounters the fascination of a woman who won't be swayed. And while his dark seduction appalls the pure and impoverished Elinor Harriman, she finds herself intrigued…and secretly drawn to the man behind the desire.

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  • Author by : Robin Norwood
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : Random House
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 93
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    Description : Is having 'somebody to love' the most important thing in your life? Do you constantly believe in Mr Right, and that being with him would guarantee you would no longer feel depressed or lonely? Are you bored with 'nice guys' who are open, honest and dependable? If being in love means being in pain, this book was written for you. Leading relationship and marriage therapist Robin Norwood describes loving too much as a pattern of thoughts and behaviour, which certain women develop as a response to problems from childhood. Many women find themselves repeatedly drawn into unhappy and destructive relationships with men. They then struggle to make these doomed relationships work. This bestselling relationship self-help book investigates and reveals how powerfully addictive these unhealthy relationships are - but also gives a very specific programme for recovery from the disease of loving too much, a problem that plagues women everywhere.

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  • Author by : Evie Hunter
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : Penguin UK
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 57
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    Description : An invitation to the hot and steamy world of bestselling Irish erotica author Evie Hunter. 'More colour and better written than EL James and a more exciting read than any of Sylvia Day's books' Irish Independent 'A BDSM masterpiece' Sunday World 'A must-read if you enjoyed Fifty Shades of Grey' Irish Daily Star He picked up her hand where it grasped the water glass, felt her pulse and looked into her eyes. 'You don't want a man with manners. You want someone who will let you walk on the wild side, who knows what you're really like. ' Roz Spring is an actress and a chameleon, the kind of woman who always lands on her feet. But even Roz can't talk her way out of witnessing a murder, and she must go into hiding before the murderer comes for her. Andy McTavish has turned his back on a life of privilege to prove himself in the world of international security. Tall, dark and dangerous, Andy is the ultimate seducer who has never met a woman who can tame him. Roz needs his protection and, to get his family off his back, Andy needs a fake fiancée. The solution is obvious: pretend to be a couple. Getting up close and personal won't be hard, as the chemistry between them is electrifying. As two practiced charmers drive each other beyond the limits of sensual endurance, they find their usual defences are no good. When the barriers come crashing down, a raw passion emerges that neither wants to admit. They know that when the murderer shows his hand, they will face a fight for life and freedom. And if they survive, what will happen when the need to pretend is over? The Pleasures of Spring is the latest sizzling standalone novel from Evie Hunter whose trademark combination is an addictive erotic story and a page-turning plot. If you're an Evie fan, you won't be disappointed. And if you're new to Evie, well, you're in for quite the delicious treat. PRAISE FOR EVIE HUNTER: 'As near perfection as a Suspense/Romance/Erotic/BDSM novel could EVER get!' Ripe for Reader 'Every delicious moment comes with amazing tension and believability. masterfully written, artfully told, and yummy to read.' My Book Boyfriend 'All I can say is, holy yowza, Batman! Yes, this book falls firmly into the 'What to read after Fifty Shades of Grey' category, but in my opinion. this book blows Fifty Shades out of the water. I unabashedly adored this book.' This Bookish Endeavor 'Danger, heat, obsession and unexplored desires come together to form a combustive and sizzling tale, not soon forgotten.' Romancing The Book 'One of those rare books that has stolen my heart, my mind and my soul. a flawless, exciting and down-right steamy read that will stay with you long after your finish.' Totally Bookalicious

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  • Author by : Sylvia Day
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : Penguin UK
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 51
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    Description : The multimillion global best-selling Crossfire series from Sunday Times best-selling author Sylvia Day continues with Entwined with You. As Eva and Gideon face the demons of their pasts they also must accept the consequences of their obsessive desires. From the moment I first met Gideon Cross, I recognized something in him that I needed. Something I couldn't resist. I also saw the dangerous and damaged soul inside - so much like my own. I was drawn to it. I needed him as surely as I needed my heart to beat. No one knows how much he risked for me. How much I'd been threatened, or just how dark and desperate the shadow of our pasts would become. Entwined by our secrets, we tried to defy the odds. We made our own rules and surrendered completely to the exquisite power of possession.

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  • Author by : Joseph Conrad
    Languange : it
    Publisher by : Newton Compton Editori
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 64
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    Description : Il negro del Narciso • Tifone • Un colpo di fortuna • Freya delle sette isoleIntroduzione di Bruno TraversettiTraduzione di Nicoletta Rosati Bizzotto e Bruno OdderaEdizioni integraliIl nome di Conrad è indissolubilmente legato al mare. In numerosi romanzi e racconti, infatti, lo scrittore ha trasferito, rievocandole e trasfigurandole col soffio del mito, le sue avventure di vagabondo degli oceani, e in particolare delle rotte orientali. Questo volume riunisce, oltre a Il negro del Narciso (1897) e a Tifone (1903) – tra i più celebri romanzi brevi di Conrad – Un colpo di fortuna e Freya delle Sette Isole, entrambi del 1912, storie di mare nelle quali compaiono due singolari personaggi femminili. In queste pagine il magico mondo del mare è descritto in tutti i suoi aspetti: l’ostilità e la furia degli elementi, l’esistenza dura degli equipaggi, gli uomini e le donne che popolano i porti, le coste, le navi, i sogni e gli incubi dei marinai.«L’uragano, con la sua capacità di fare impazzire i mari, di affondare navi, di sradicare alberi, di abbattere mura robuste e di scaraventare al suolo gli uccelli stessi dell’aria, aveva incontrato sul proprio cammino quest’uomo taciturno e, impegnandosi al massimo, riuscì a strappargli qualche parola.»Joseph Conrad(Józef Konrad Korzeniowsky) nacque nel 1857 a Berdiczew, nella Polonia meridionale. Nel 1874 cominciò a viaggiare per mare. Dieci anni più tardi, ottenuta la cittadinanza inglese, trasformò il suo vero nome in quello con il quale è universalmente conosciuto e si affermò come uno dei più grandi scrittori di lingua inglese, pur essendo il polacco la sua lingua madre. Morì nel 1924. Sue celebri opere sono Cuore di tenebra, Il reietto delle isole (1896), Lord Jim (1900), Nostromo (1904), La linea d’ombra (1917). Di Conrad la Newton Compton ha pubblicato anche Cuore di tenebra e altri racconti d’avventura, Lord Jim, L'agente segreto, Romanzi del mare (Il negro del Narciso, Tifone, Un colpo di fortuna, Freya delle sette isole).

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  • Author by : Indigo Bloome
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : Harper Collins
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 33
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    Description : In Destined to Fly, the third and final installment of the Avalon trilogy by Indigo Bloom, Alexandra Blake continues to explore sexual fantasies and dangerous love. Released from her captors, Dr. Alexandra Blake emerges feeling empowered and liberated. But knowing she holds the key to a drug that stimulates the female libido sought by both her former captors and passionate lover Jeremy Quinn, Alexandra embarks on a journey to experience ancient sexual rituals and unlock the secrets of her own past. Seductive and spicy, Destined to Fly is an erotic romance that goes beyond Fifty Shades of Grey to deliver a titillating mix of temptation, passion, and sexual adventure that is sure to leave readers satisfied.

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  • Author by : Jennifer Probst
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : Simon and Schuster
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 16
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    Description : The highly anticipated third novel in the Searching For series from Jennifer Probst, “one of the most exciting breakout novelists†(USA TODAY), featuring a runaway bride and the man who wants to be more than just her best friend… Genevieve MacKenzie has her life completely under control. About to wed the charming Chief doctor at the local hospital, she’s an up-and-coming surgeon with everything she could ever want. Until an escape through the church window on the day of her wedding sends her life into a tailspin…and flings her right into her best friend’s arms. When Wolfe catches his best friend falling out a window on her wedding day, he doesn’t ask questions. He whisks her away, determined to watch over her and discover the truth behind her desperate escape. But when his feelings turn more than platonic, he realizes he may risk his most important relationship in order to protect his damaged heart, and the woman he loves. Can Genevieve and Wolfe’s friendship turn into something deeper—or is it already too late for true love?

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  • Author by : Loretta Chase
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : NYLA
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 67
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    File Size : 40,9 Mb

    Description : "Live the romance. Read Loretta Chase" -- Christina DoddThe traditional English Regency from New York Times bestselling author, Loretta Chase, is back. Lilith Davenant, has ample reason to detest Julian Wyndhurst, Marquess of Brandon: he's exactly the kind of man who hastened the demise of her profligate husband, and the debt he owed to Julian has forced her to an engagement with a wealthy suitor for the sake of supporting her beloved nieces and nephews. Besides that, Lord Julian somehow manages to ignite disturbing. feelings. she's never felt before!Lord Julian used his considerable skills and cunning in the war against Napoleon. Now he's obliged to use the same talents to save his young cousin from a disastrous marriage to a scheming mistress — who makes him a wager: If Julian can seduce the famously icy Lady Lilith Davenant, the lady will release his cousin from the engagement.But very quickly, Julian discovers Lilith's hidden warmth, kindness and humor. Will he be able to prove his heart to her before she learns of his recklessly shameless wager?

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  • Author by : Kresley Cole
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : Simon and Schuster
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 57
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    Description : After 150 years of hellish torture at the hands of the vampire horde, Lachlain, king of the Lykae (werewolf) clan, escapes his captors. He's disoriented and full of hatred, and yet he finds the mate he's been longing for for 1200 years in a small, delicate vampire. Desperate to find information on her parents, Emmaline Troy, a timid, overprotected half vampire/ half valkyrie, had travelled to Paris away from the protection of her valkyrie aunts for the first time in her young life (she's only 70), but she manages to be kidnapped by a raging Lykae who's tender to her one minute, though-if he is reminded she's a vampire-furious the next…

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  • Author by : Richard Matheson
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : Pan Macmillan
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 82
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    File Size : 50,5 Mb

    Description : Madness is only a step away. Tom Wallace is happy with his suburban lot. Until an evening of casual entertainment turns reality into nightmare. Tom sees himself as a pragmatist, and when his brother-in-law challenges him to undergo hypnotism, he obliges to prove a point. So no one is more surprised than Tom when it works. But this cheap parlour trick unlocked something that now threatens his sanity, way of life and marriage. Suddenly he can sense his neighbours' darkest desires, and some are dark indeed. When shadows from the past and glimpses of the future are revealed to him, Tom tries to deny what's happening. But as his existence becomes increasingly unbearable, the biggest revelation of all awaits -- a message from beyond the grave.

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  • Author by : Rodney Smith
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : Simon and Schuster
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 67
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    File Size : 43,5 Mb

    Description : Are a person's perceptions and values altered when facing the end of life? Do the dying see the world in a way that could help the rest of us learn how to live? This book takes us into the lessons of the dying. Through the words and circumstances of the terminally ill, we become immersed in their wisdom and in our own mortality. The dying speak to us in direct and personal ways, pointing toward a wise and sane way to live. In everyday language we can all understand, Rodney Smith extends the conversation about death to people of all ages and states of health. Through exercises and guided meditative reflections at the end of each chapter, the lessons of the dying become a blueprint for our own growth.

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  • Author by : Gabrielle D'Annunzio
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : Wildside Press LLC
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 43
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    Description : Gabriele d'Annunzio, born Gaetano Rapagnetta (1863-1938) was an Italian poet, writer, novelist, dramatist, womanizer and daredevil who went on to have a controversial role in politics as figure-head of the Italian Fascist movement and mentor of Benito Mussolini. His literary works included: "The Child of Pleasure," "The Intruder," "The MAidens of the Rocks," and "The Flame of Life" ("Il Fuoco").

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  • Author by : Azar Nafisi
    Languange : en
    Publisher by : Penguin UK
    Format Available : PDF, ePub, Mobi
    Total Read : 19
    Total Download : 348
    File Size : 41,9 Mb

    Description : Every Thursday morning in a living room in Iran, over tea and pastries, eight women meet in secret to discuss forbidden works of Western literature. As they lose themselves in the worlds of Lolita, The Great Gatsby and Pride and Prejudice, gradually they come to share their own stories, dreams and hopes with each other, and, for a few hours, taste freedom. Azar Nafisi's bestselling memoir is a moving, passionate testament to the transformative power of books, the magic of words and the search for beauty in life's darkest moments.

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